
Chapel built at great cost by the duke of Nassau to contain the remains of his first wife & Russian princess - the effigy lay Hopfgarten [?] in marble Murray says is something extra - but I am a trite tired of such displays over either the living or dead & take very little pleasure in seeing them. An hours drive took us from Weisbaden to where we met the boat & [a--t] down the Rhine to Bonn in order to see the most interesting part of the river. I confess to some disappointment as we passed houses Castle Rock or crag - each with some romantic legend attached to it = "Ehrenbreitstein with her shatter'd wall" Collentz with her "small & simple pyramid" to the brave young General Marceau whom Byron so beautiful eulogized - The Castled crag of Drachenfels which from my earliest school days I have believed to be one of the most enchanting spots upon earth - Bishop [Hotta's] [ton--] & Southey's ballad before my eyes - all failed to move me -