I'm having a fun time home with my family, it's nice to be able to spend time together without having too many other things going on.


I'm having a fun time home with my family, it's nice to be able to spend time together without having too many other things going on.

First Name


Last Name


Current location

White Plains, NY

Relationship to Union


Minerva House

When this took place


My Experience

COVID-19 Pandemic has brought major changes to all our lives. It has brought me mixed blessings and I remain determined to focus on the good among them. I am having a fun time home with my family. It is nice to be able to spend time together without the usual disruptions from other commitments. I love baking with my sister, cooking my favorite foods and binge-watching TV with my family. I was really sad about missing spring term on campus with friends! I miss all the activities we would have had face to face, in-person. I prefer the real classrooms over virtual ones. We had made so many great plans to celebrate the graduation of our seniors. I miss not being able to work at the hospital even though I’m at home. The upside to learning online from home is that I had honestly felt very overworked this academic year and being able to study from home helped me to be able to relax more. I had time for things I would’ve never had time for on campus. I started editing the draft of a book I wrote in the senior year of high school. I’ve also had more time to hang out with my siblings, go for runs, and have a relatively normal sleep schedule. Of course, I miss my friends and being on campus to do things together. But we frequently FaceTime and do activities together online so that we don’t feel the disconnect. I feel as though this experience has helped us all to take the time to pause, for self-reflection, practice life on the slow lane for a change and really work on ourselves. I feel that this will enable us to get back to campus more refreshed, ready to go, as strong as ever!

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