China's Tariffs on US Goods

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China's Tariffs on US Goods

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China's average tariff rate is climbing on US goods and falling for the rest of the world
The United States has made it abundantly clear that it views China as a major threat to the US economy. As such, there were many strict tariffs imposed on Chinese goods under the Trump administration in an attempt to force the Chinese people to submit to American will. However, instead China decided to place growing tariffs on american goods, cutting into the US economy’s revenue wherever possible. As the Chinese economy has grown so rapidly, it now has the ability to push back when Western nations challenge it.

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Chad P. Bown


Sources: Updates on August 23, 2019, from Brown, Jung, and Zhang (2019). Constructed by the author with data from Trade Map and Market Access Map (International Trade Center, and China's Ministry of Finance's announcements

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