The Power of Reflection at Union
Every year at Union College feels like it goes by faster than the last. There’s so much happening on campus that every day—every week, every passing month—seems packed with activity, as we all run breathlessly from one thing to the next. Often we don't step back to think about how it all adds up, or reflect on why we’re here, what we’re doing, and how college life relates to our dreams and goals, our fears and values, our sense of purpose and sense of ourselves as individuals and as part of a community.
Here’s where Stories of U fits in. This project promotes the power of reflection by encouraging all Union community members to share “meaningful moments” that they have experienced inside or outside the classroom. Stories of U defines “meaningful moments” as moments of challenge, moments of growth, or moments of growth through challenge—namely, those experiences that stand out in our mind and shape us into the people we are today.
Stories of U sponsors a rich and varied program of activities throughout the academic year, including dialogue series, dinner conversations, a podcast series, Live! Storyslam events, reflection “write-in” workshops, and more. All activities are student-designed and student-led. The goal of Stories of U is for all members of the Union community to come together and make meaning, as we find purpose, share stories, and explore the transformative power of a Union College education.