Caroline Hu Spotlight and Explanation of the BoF China Prize

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Caroline Hu Spotlight and Explanation of the BoF China Prize

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Inside the BoF China Prize: Ep 2 - Couture Week
Caroline Hu is the winner of the BoF China Award. The award was created to help designers from the Chinese mainland gain exposure on the fashion scene on a global scale. She is a new and upcoming designer who has not had much experience in the industry on a broad scale but soon will with the support of one of the world’s leading fashion magazines behind her. She is currently based out of New York but maintains a presence and contacts in China. Her specialty is in haute couture, the most luxurious branch of fashion.
胡颖琪赢了BoF China Prize。 该奖项旨在帮助中国大陆设计师在时装界使注意。胡颖琪是一位新设计师,她在该行业没有丰富的经商经验,但很快就成功了,因为世界上最大的时尚达人之一正在帮助她。她现在在纽约工作,但在中国也有很多业务。她尤其好做设计高级时装,这是最昂贵的服装。

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