The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Selections, 1964)


The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Selections, 1964)

Student Commentary:

This selection of reproductions of representative pages from Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is included in Geoffrey Keynes’ Study of the Illuminated Books, published by the Trianon Press in 1964. It is interesting to note that the reproductions showcased here emphasize Blake’s densely textual pages rather than his imagery alone. Keynes’ commentary explains that The Marriage of Heaven and Hell is possibly one of Blake’s most accessible works, which may also explain why Trianon chose to show pages with mostly words. The layout balances out the title page with pages of full text in opposite columns. It is a beautiful display of both Blake’s art and writings.

Not available in this form at the William Blake Archive; consult the book in the library for more information.

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