Jane Bigelow Diary, 1860

London Feb 2d - 1860
Our last two days in Paris were busy ones-
bundles coming in, bills to be paid, farewells
said, packing finished up &c But 6 o'clock
last evening found us with locked trunks,
rooms upside down, shawls baskets &
bonnets strewed every where [sic], & after a hurried
dinner all these with ourselves were
hurried into a bus, compliments and kisses
were showered upon us, fees were distributed 
and we were whirled to the depot.
We took the first class cars & got on quite 
comfortably to Calais - crossed to Dover - 
least said about it now the better, for I am 
still a little sea sick - but we were each
provided with a basin & each required
one - each managed however to get a 
little nap between times & at 5 o’clock
we were rejoiced to reach Dover & take 
the cars for London - another refreshing 
nap shortened the journey considerably
and about 8 ½ mi first caught sights of 
the great Metropolis.  How things are

exaggerated! I fancied smoke & fog & coal 
dust combined would almost blind one, 
but though the atmosphere was hazy I observed 
nothing else peculiar about it excepting per-
-haps a somewhat smoky odor.  With seven
pieces of baggage to be examined - we were 
some time getting away from the customs 
house, <s>but</s> and a longer time creeping
towards our destination in Pall Mall.
But we came along the Strand part of the 
way and many streets we passed whose names
were familiar and it interested me to read 
them, if even there had been nothing else to 
look at on the way - Finally we stopped at 
Mrs Coopers door - and the jolliest fat red
faced middle aged lady welcomed us 
before we had time to ring.  One pair of 
stairs brought us to a cheerful well lighted
well furnished parlor, opening back into 
one doubled [sic] bedded chamber, a dressing
room & water closet & behind these a
immense nursery with three windows
looking out into St. James’ Square - Bright
fires were burning in open grates in each

room - there were large easy chairs and
lounges with pillows - ample wash stands
& basins & pitchers - cleanliness & comfort on
all sides - I felt happy & at home in England - 
We breakfasted well - mutton chops, cold 
foul - good milk - bread & butter & tea for 
those who wanted it.  Unpacked a few 
necessaries & then walked around St
James & Buckingham Palace - the park &
It was very windy & cold & suffering with 
an intense nervous head ache [sic], I could 
not go any further.  Mr B went on & I took 
a good nap in the parlor before his return -
the first time in nearly six months that
I have attempted to sleep in the daytime -
and I was extremely refreshed by my success.
The children are all sleeping nicely, we
have had a nice home made [sic] dinner
exactly to our tastes - home baked apple pie
with cream, the most delicious part of it - 
Mrs Lewis came to see me yesterday, says she
is engaged to Dr  Johnson but wants my
advice & Mr B’s with regard to marrying him

Is not sure that his morals are good & such
like trash - I should think not if he was at
Spencer’s ball with some man & his mistress!
He was forced into a very early marriage,
seperated [sic], & She believes his wife is dead.
I wonder if any part of this story is true, for
Stella is such a rile creature I can’t 
suppose any man living would want to
make her his wife.               Feb 3d
Mrs Cooper tells me she is the oldest of 
six children - her mother had twins 3 
times.  She talks a great deal of her only
child Emmy[?], a spoiled girl she says 
over & over again - but Emmy [?] she quotes on 
all occasions & I feel quite curious to make 
her acquaintance.  Grace slept with her 
last night as her bed was not arranged
in the nursery, & reports her a very nice 
amiable young lady.  This morning we 
breakfasted about ten, & took the boys &
explored the neighborhood to Trafalgar
Square, Haymarket Theatre, Northumberland
House, club houses etc - dirty
walking - we have come in to let Louisa
have the remainder of the morning!


Jane Bigelow Diary, 1860


Entries from Jane Bigelow's dairy when her and her family traveled to London, England between February and March of 1860.


Bigelow, Jane Tunis Poultney

Item sets