Varnish Factory Pollution (formerly Schenectady International)

Date Range

1900 – 1997


Varnish Factory Pollution (formerly Schenectady International)

What occurred

Without proper environmental regulations in place before big factories/power plants are constructed, pollution of the surrounding environment is sure to occur. An example of that is Varnish Factory, formerly known as Schenectady International, where they blatantly dumped chemicals, runoff, and heavy metals in the Mohawk River and other surrounding water sources. Local residents also have a high count of cancers and other diseases that can attributed to the pollution from the Varnish Factory.


10th Avenue, Hungry Hill NY

Image Citation

Map of Schenectady with locations of the Cheltingham Landfill and Varnish Factory sites

Student name(s)

Jorge Tanur

Item sets


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